Sunday, October 26, 2008

What I've been up to:

-Still not boxing a whole lot because of my stinkin knee. I finally saw an orthopod last week who said I need an MRI. YAY! That will get me closer to knowing what's wrong. And the closer I am to knowing what's wrong, the closer I am to being back on the REAL trails. Seriously, the drive-bys are KILLING me. Give me some vertical hills and glacial boulders and deep running streams I need to jump across. This easy boxing is for the birds.

-In spite of that I am 11 boxes away from hitting 500. 11! Such a big number yet I can remember almost every box. It's been an amazing year and a half since I started this crazy hobby. AMAZING.

-Went out with Katchick and Redbarnphotos to plant a series near Katchick's work which was fun. Today was absolutely perfect. Not too hot, not too cold, the scent of the leaves intoxicating and the company captivating. I will never forget this day as long as I live, the sights and smells and friends. Although neither one was into my one-woman dance party. I even busted out my own rendition of Jump Jump but neither of them were having it. Party poopers. I found a geocache when we were planting a box in a sweet outcropping on the side of a hill. I stole a blinky shamrock shaped Bailey's light from it as retaliation for a geocacher stealing the stamp out of the birthday box Katee planted for me. Juvenile but I don't care, it's a sweet blinky light.

-I've fallen a bit off the LTC bandwagon. They're just so much work and I've got so much going on right now. I think I'm going to finish up the swaps I'm committed to and then go on hiatus. I don't know, I say that all the time and then sign up for another swap. Guess I'll wait and see.

-Oh, did I mention that Redbarnphotos (aka Maryann) bought me the GREATEST PRESENT of all time??? It's a journal made out of a vintage Trixie Belden book. Seriously, I cried when she gave it to me. My wonderful kitty girl, Miss Trixie, was named after none other than Trixie Belden herself. She's similar to Nancy Drew but not as well known. My grandma gave me my mom's books when I was little and I fell in love with her, she was so strong and independant and solved all her own mysteries herself. I told Maryann that that's who Trix is named after and then she surprised me with that journal. I am going to make it into a Trixie themed scrapbook because it's perfect for it. To think, I never would have met such an amazing, thoughtful caring person like maryann had it not been for boxing. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? :P

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