Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Training Letterbox Style: A (long) Synopsis

Saturday, Katee (katchick) and I headed to Rochester for the Spring Training gathering. I was exhausted from a really long week at work but still managed to get up at 5:30am to make cupcakes to bring (which made some young boxers VERY happy). Katee couldn't handle the smell of the cupcakes in the back seat of the car and ate a cupcake around 9:30 while on our way there. Oh, that girl, spouting about eating healthy and then eating cupcakes in the morning ;) We made it there much earlier than we had anticipated and, true to form, failed to look at WHICH pavilion we were to meet at at the park. We drove around looking for some WiFi to steal and then discovered that that exact pavilion we had stopped at to regroup before going into town was the pavilion we were supposed to meet at. Imagine that!

So we got there and normal event stamping/exchanges/greetings/meetings ensued. It was by far the smallest of the 3 gatherings we have been to and we knew a lot of the people there already which was really great. It's cool that people are starting to remember us and we're remembering other people. It's like we're finally becoming part of the LB'ing community and it's awesome. We met some really nice new people, too. Bikers and hikers were so nice and their kids were so cute. And Jigglet #2...what a fun little girl! I want to rent a kid to take to a gathering just because they're so fun to watch :) I also can't wait for the day that I can finally get Brent to a gathering. I talk about him so much when he's not there because he's always boxing with Katee and I and it seems weird to be doing it without him. I know I wouldn't be able to get him to exchange with people but I think he would still enjoy going. I'm going to my first VW show this summer so I think it's only fair he goes to a gathering!

It seemed like a lot of people broke apart early to go boxing, maybe because it was such a small gathering so they weren't tied to a table exchanging and doing event stamps. Katee and I ended up going out boxing with Craftymouse and Dandelion which was so much fun! We've never really gone boxing with someone else before and it was neat to see how other people box. When you have a normal boxing partner or group then it seems you have a rhythm and way of doing it. For instance, Katee gets us to the location and then I handle the clues and get us to the right spot. Then we both usually look for the box (but I inevitably end up finding it). Then Katee usually inks while I stamp in and write in the logbook. Brent's job is to reach into all the stuff we don't want to put our hands in and he's an awesome re-hider. I had to practice some major self restraint while out with Craftymouse and Dandelion to not grab the clues and then bound ahead to get the box but I did well :) We got several boxes but then the clouds became ominous and we headed for the pavilion. Not too soon, either because it started to downpour! And from my previous posts, you should all know how I feel about rain. BOO HISS! Oh, and I forgot to mention that they gnats were insane! We battled them the whole weekend!

A little heart on a bridge I saw while boxing with Craftymouse and Dandelion

After we left the gathering we headed to our motel. Katee chose it because it was fairly cheap but it was set up so funny! There was a little bathroom with a stand up shower and one large room with a double bed, a table, cupboards with a little sink and a microwave and mini fridge, a dresser with a little tv and...oh....a HUGE whirlpool tub with mirrors on 3 sides! Right in the middle of the room! It was so funny, Katee thought the motel seemed like something that construction workers could rent while staying for a job but what would they need with that huge tub in the middle of the room? Wait, nevermind, I prefer not to think about it...

After we checked in we drove around town a little, ate some dinner and then went to the movies. Katee can't have a trip without a movie :) We saw Baby Mama and it was hilarious! Although I think that the funniest part was when we were leaving. I reached over to get my fleece to put on and accidentally tipped my purse onto the floor. My bag is huge and Trixie likes to dig in it and play in it so about 4 or 5 bouncy balls that she put in there went rolling all over the theater! Katee and I were running around in the dark trying to catch them all. We can't even have a normal trip to the movies ;)

The next day we got up pretty early, got some breakfast and then headed back to Webster park to get the boxes the rain stopped us from getting the day before. We did a really great series by Bikers and hikers and it was a beautiful day but the mud was INSANE! Katee has some pictures of me wading through the mud up to my ankles. I had my pants rolled up to my knees and they still got muddy. What the heck. Mud is now ranked right up there with rain in "Conditions I will not Letterbox in". Yes, I whined, yes, I fought it, but I soldiered through and with a good outcome. I loved how the stamps all fit together like a puzzle and it really was a pretty trail.

The next box we got allowed me to take a picture of Katee demonstrating why I need her to box with me:

Look at that height! There's no way I could have gotten that box without her. She's the best :)

Next we got some boxes around town. One was at the shopping center that took us 15 minutes to get. There was this crazy kid jumping off the lamp post benches and we sat in the car laughing at him without him having a clue! There was also a guy in his car watching us so it took a while to get the box but it was hidden so well. Then we got another 3 box series by Bikers and Hikers that their daughter carved. They were really cute and it was a lovely park but again with the mud! And gnats! But the park was so pretty so it made up for it. It also gave me a chance to harass Katee into taking some pictures. She's been slacking! I, of course, had to take some pictures too (although they're no where near as good as hers).

This tree looked like a weary man to me...

After that we got a box that was at a pond with lots of geese and we could barely find a place to sit without poop around. Who knew they pooped so much? It was stinky too, dirty geese. Getting this box was a chance for us to practice being stealth because there were muggles everywhere. I took a lot of pictures of Katee as our "cover".

Katee doing what she does best:

Geese! Ducks! Assorted birds, oh my!

After that box is when our craziness kicked in. It was about 2:00 or 3:00 and Katee really wanted to try Crazyolis' 26 box alphabet series. I was a little skeptical that we could do it in time but we figured we'd give it a try anyway. I'm really glad that we did because they were all so cute! My favorite was Frank Flamingo, of course, given my flamingo love. We found a geocache in the same spot as the very first box and it was the cutest one we've seen yet. It was a rubber chicken with a hole cut in the bottom and stuff inside. It even had one of the geocaching coins (or whatever they're called) in it that I read about a few weeks ago. I'm not a huge fan of geocaching but the chicken was a good idea.

After that my camera ran out of room for pictures. It's a common problem for me since I feel the need to take pictures of EVERYTHING so sadly, there are no more pictues.

We continued on to the other boxes (through minimal mud and no gnats because we remembered bug spray) and the first 10 were fun and the park was great. I loved the dog park section the best and of course Katee and I had to stop for a while to watch all the happy dogs playing and running in and out of the water. They were having a blast and it was a great day for it! After the first 10 or so boxes the clues took us back to the parking lot. We stopped for some apples and water and I started to wind down a lot. I really didn't know if I would make it the rest of the way because I was so tired and being a weenie. I hadn't had a lot of sleep the previous days and almost none the night before and I had an overwhelming urge to lay down and take a nap. I didn't want to give up though because I wanted the whole set of boxes! So we continued on and we made it to a point where there were only 9 boxes left and it was 6pm. We were both worried that we wouldn't be able to find them all before the sun went down and we knew the chances of us going back to finish the series was small so we kicked into "Extreme fast boxing" mode. We dropped off our stuff and took off running in different directions, racing around this cool gully in the woods. We'd bring the boxes back to our spot, stamp in quick and then run off again to replant and find more. Our stamping quality went downhill pretty fast but it worked because we were able to get all of the boxes in time! We were so pumped when we were done that we did it and we beat our personal record for most boxes in a day! I also had my phone in my pack and it has a pedometer on it. I thought that we had hiked about 4 miles that day but we actually did almost 10! (Saturday we hiked 3.3 miles). It was a great series and a great trail and we were both so happy that we finished it. Thanks, Crazyolis!

After that we headed home and got back around 9:30pm. We were so exhausted at that point that we didn't even stop and get ice cream which is something we do on every trip. It was a great weekend though and I can't believe we were able to find all that we did. We found great boxes, met and hung out with great people, and overall just had a wonderful time--which is exactly why I love letterboxing so much :)

One last picture for you, after reading through this mega post...

How can you not love that? :P

Sunday, April 27, 2008

So tired....

Katee and I just got home about a half hour ago from Rochester. Yesterday was the spring training gathering and today we boxed our fool heads off which was stellar. I sunburned my lips for the first time ever (how does THAT happen??). I'm exhausted, it's time for kitty hugs, my bed and then a double at work tomorrow but never fear! I have many, many pictures and I can't wait to post them. Maybe tomorrow. Oh, the anticipation!!! :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Kitty toys!

Trixie's ultra snazzy and expensive hand embroidered spoiled kitty girl toys came today! I ordered them a few days ago after coming across them on Etsy during an LTC break. I couldn't resist since I was teary from making her cards and they had FOSSILS on them. Come on, how am I supposed to resist that? I think they're great but she's currently deciding if they are or not. In her defense she got a pretty sweet Kitty Hoots feather toy about 2 weeks ago and she's not quite bored with it yet so she probably isn't ready for a change. But here's photos!

The ultra cute packaging

The front of both

The back of the "book" and the front of the trilobyte one again

Hey mom, what do you have down there?...

Oooo, this string is fun.

Is this for ME??!!??!


Hahaha, she's so cute!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Eff the pigment inks!

DOWN with pigment inks. They suck. Even when I head them with my embossing gun I can still get residue off them when I touch them. The crafting world needs to get on the chalk ink bandwagon. Seriously. I don't care if they dry too fast, I LIKE it that way. My coffee table is covered in Starlite Silver and it's not cool. They say "fast drying on vellum" but they lie. Jerks.

My Trixie LTC isn't coming out exactly as I wanted. Being a perfectionist, I have a hard time dealing with this. But what can I do? I'm hoping if I leave them and go to bed, when I wake up in the morning I won't be so critical. Sometimes that works. Sometimes I rip them apart and start all over again. It's a toss up. I've already redone them 3 times. Right now I'm toying with the idea of sending everyone in the ring 2 cards. I like the one I made but you can't see the detail in the stamp I carved a well and I LOVE this stamp. As in, I want to stamp in on everything. Like my refrigerator, my walls and Trixie herself. I'm so proud of it, I just want it to be shown as well as it can be because it really represents my Trixie. I've cried several times in the process of making this card, it's such a hard thing for me to do. It's a long story but the short of it was that my house burned down in college and she's literally the only thing I walked away from it with other than a shoebox with random things. Ah, my sweet baby, I thank God every single day that I have her. That's really what this card is about and why it's so hard to make it just right.

In other news, Guns N Roses really is music to carve a stamp to. They can set a mood for anything. Bon Jovi, too. Too bad I wasn't old enough when they were big, I would have rocked out with mall hair and acid washed jeans at their concerts and it would have been amazing.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bad mom :(

I was so excited to get 5 LTC's in the mail today that I ran upstairs to open them (with my hands ful)l and tried to shut the door with my foot, squashing Trixie in between it in the process. She squealed, I screamed/burst into tears/dropped everything I had and went running after her, scaring her in the process. After 10 minutes of crying and coddling and asking Brent over and over if I should rush her to the emergency hospital (techs make the worst pet mom's, I tell ya) she's fine. A little quiet and a little ruffled because I scared her with the crying and carrying on, but fine. Moral of the story: yes, receiving LTC's is exciting but not so much so that you almost kill your own precious kitty girl. AND, not every minor chest injury=pneumothorax.

BTW, I somehow messed up mailing out my first batch of LTC's. I have 15 people they should have gone out to but only 14 cards that went out and 13 emails saved of addresses. I officially screwed up my first trades and made a spreadsheet to track them in the future. Score 1 LTC's, 0 Mary.

First LTC: DONE!

My very first LTC is done! Well, almost done. I just have to glue the last 5 treasure chests on the last 5 cards and they're done (they're drying right now). But yay! Done! Dance! And they're almost all traded away already. Most of them were traded before they were anywhere near done, haha. I can't wait until I start receiving ones from other people. It's going to be so inspiring to see what others can do and hopefully give me more ideas of what I can do. I'm happy with the outcome of my first one but I can't wait to see how I grow.

Needless to say, I think I'm officially addicted to LTC's now. I joined another tracker, which I am MOST excited about because I get to make a card all about my beautiful kitty girl. The only issue with it is that I have so many ideas for it I can't choose. Trixie is a multi-faceted kitty, that's for sure. Before I can start I have to make myself finish up some things. I need to finish these LTC's (5 left to trade if anyone wants one :), finish the logbook for the stamp I carved for the Norther NY gather and send it out and make a log book to replace one of Lock Wench's in downtown Syracuse. I also need to start carving some stamps to plant soon but I really have no ambition in that area right now. I am loving the LTC making process, it's much more of a creative outlet than simply carving a stamp of an image I found online. I know that once warm weather officially hits though and I'm back in hardcore hiking/boxing action I'll flip back into it.

BTW, funny thing I saw today. I was skimming through craftster and found a girl in the UK who is SELLING her hand carved stamps. From what I saw they were pretty simple images carved on the pink stuff (the horror!) and she was selling them for the equivalent of $10. WTF? I've seen some amazing carves that would warrant much higher amounts than that and I doubt the carvers ever once thought about it. Crazy people.