Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The waiting....

So my boxes have been plated for a little more than a week and only 4 people have found them, 2 of which are friends of mine and therefore don't count. Well, of course they COUNT but not as new people who have never seen my blood, sweat and tears in camo-tupperware form. Am I expecting too much? Probably. I thought for sure my clues would go live and there would be a massive surge of people just running to get them. I mean come on, that weekend where I met Party Pig, Hy 5 and Infinity on the trail was because they were all going after 1 box. Come one people, where's my mad rush of an ego-boost? Get my boxes!!!! Ahem...

Really, it's not that big of a deal. I'm glad even 1 person found them and for some reason I just knew that Party Pig was going to be my first finder. He and Wes are on a mission. I'm not sure exactly what the mission is but they're on it and they WILL find those boxes first! :P And my responses have been good, apparently I did some decent carving and people like them. Yay! :)

In finding news, Katchick and I tried to have an awesome, mega finding weekend this past one but it wasn't meant to be. There was rain (and we all know how I feel about that), technical difficulties (a box was in someone's shop and we couldn't seem to get there without any customers! We waiting an hour until we begrudgingly gave up) and boxes that were no longer there. It was very disheartening. I feel like I'm in such a stale mate, I WANT 200 boxes soon and I'm stuck in this nasty 150/160 limbo. Boo. To add insult to injury, our (aka boyfriend's) computer died last week so I haven't been able to look up clues. I'm instead at the mercy of Katchick and her veritable computer warehouse downstairs for when I can get online. She's been sweet enough to let me get on atlasquest when I can but I'm losing precious good upstate NY weather. Damn you, technology!

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